DCL Full Form and How is it used in SQL?

If you are a beginner or intermediate then this article gives you a good overview of DCL, DCL full form, and if you are an expert then it may help you to get something new on the same or help to refresh your knowledge. Well, in this article post, you will learn all about DCL full form, the definition of DCL, types of DCL commands and their uses, and its advantage, etc.

DCL Full Form

Hey guys, In a relational database management system, DCL full form is Data Control Language. DCL commands act like its name that is being used to control the privileges within the database. Every RDBMS are using SQL to perform different operations where data control language plays a common part in SQL instructions.

DCL Full Form and How is it used in SQL

Definition of DCL

Well, we have already explained about DCL full form. A data control language is a SQL component command similar to other programming languages that are used to control access of a database and its objects to valid users. A DBA can create a user, allow some specific permissions, and also can remove some permissions as per requirement using DCL commands. When multiple users start uses of a database then DCL commands comes into the picture to manage users by giving them appropriate roles and permissions within the database to control slowness issues of DB to perform authentic operations.

Type of DCL Commands in SQL

There are three types of DCL commands in SQL database management systems –

  1. GRANT
  3. DENY

1. GRANT Command / Statement

Grant command is used to allow specific permissions to a specified user. DBA can provide some privileges to a specific user to perform the tasks either of SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, or all on specific database objects like tables and views. Refer to the below syntax and examples with the query of DCL commands for a better understanding –


GRANT Privilege_List ON DB_Object_Name TO User_Name;



Screenshot: Below screenshot for reference –

GRANT DCL Statement

2. REVOKE Command / Statement

Revoke command is used to remove or revoke specific permissions from a specified user. It can take away all provided permissions from a specific user or group. DBA can take back all given privileges from a specific user or group like DELETE or UPDATE as per the requirements. Refer to the below syntax and examples with the query of DCL commands for a better understanding –


REVOKE Privilege_List ON DB_Object_Name TO User_Name;


REVOKE DELETE ON Employee TO RaghawendraDBU;

Screenshot: Below screenshot for reference –

REVOKE DCL Statement

3. DENY Command / Statement

Deny command is used to stop or deny specific permissions to a specified user or group even if the user has a certain list of privileges. Refer to the below syntax and examples with the query of DCL commands for a better understanding –


DENY Privilege_List ON DB_Object_Name TO User_Name;


DENY INSERT ON Employee TO RaghawendraDBU;

Screenshot: Below screenshot for reference –

DENY DCL Statement

SQL User Privileges List

Below SQL command are comes under the SQL user privilege lists –

  5. ALTER
  7. ALL

How DCL Commands Help in Securing a Database?

DCL commands play a crucial role in securing a database. DBAs can control who can access data by using DCL commands, what level of access they have, and what actions they can perform on the data. This helps in preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data and ensures that only authorized users can modify or delete data.

Applications of DCL Commands in SQL

Below are the applications of DCL commands in SQL for reference –

  1. DCL commands in SQL are critical for maintaining data security and privacy in a multi-user database environment.
  2. It helps in controlling access to the database and its objects and ensures that only authorized users can access, modify or delete data.
  3. DCL commands help in maintaining data security by ensuring that only authorized users have access to data.
  4. It prevents unauthorized users from accessing, modifying, or deleting data and helps in protecting sensitive information.
  5. DCL commands help in managing users and their privileges.
  6. It allows the administrator to grant or revoke permissions to users as per their roles and responsibilities.
  7. DCL commands help in ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.
  8. It helps in protecting personal data and sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Advantages of Data Control Language in SQL

Below are the advantage of data control language in SQL for reference –

  1. DCL commands ensure that unauthorized users cannot make any changes to the database
  2. Database owner or database administrator can grant, revoke or deny appropriate privileges to the specific users as required from time to time to prevent losses of data
  3. Database owner or database administrator can restrict the privileges to access data from the database by the user
  4. DCL ensures the security of a database in a multi-user environment by controlling user privileges

Best Practices for DCL in SQL

To ensure the security and integrity of a database, it is important to follow below best practices for DCL in SQL for reference –

  1. Limit the number of users who have access to sensitive data, and only grant privileges that are necessary for their job functions.
  2. Roles can be used to group users with similar job functions and assign privileges to the role rather than individual users.
  3. When an employee leaves the company or changes job functions, their privileges should be revoked to prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Regularly review user privileges to ensure that they are still necessary and appropriate.


What is DCL example?

DCL allows or disallows some specific permissions like giving or removing some permissions as per requirement using DCL commands. The Grant command is used to allow specific permissions to a specified user, Revoke command is used to remove or revoke specific permissions from a specified user.

Which one is example of DCL command?

DCL allows or disallows some specific permissions like giving or removing some permissions as per requirement using DCL commands. Deny command is used to stop or deny specific permissions to a specified user or group even if the user has a certain list of privileges.

What is the full form of TCL and DCL?

DCL full form is Data Control Language and TCL full form is Transaction Control Language.

What does DCL mean in SQL?

A data control language is a SQL component command similar to other programming languages that are used to control access of a database and its objects to valid users. A DBA can create a user, allow some specific permissions, and also can remove some permissions as per requirement using DCL commands.

Is DCL and DDL same?

No DCL and DDL are not the same because DCL is a Data Control Language and TCL is a Transaction Control Language, both are different in SQL.

What is use of DCL commands?

When multiple users start uses of a database then DCL commands comes into the picture to manage users by giving them appropriate roles and permissions within the database to control slowness issues of DB to perform authentic operations.


This tutorial post described understanding the DCL full form in SQL is essential for anyone working with relational databases. By using DCL commands, DBAs can effectively manage user permissions and privileges, control access to sensitive data, and maintain data security and integrity. By following best practices for DCL, DBAs can help prevent data breaches and ensure that data remains secure. It will provide enough understanding for beginners and professionals. We hope you would have liked this tutorial very well.

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