What is a Composite Key in SQL?

In database management systems, composite key is an important concept to understand. They allow for the creation of more complex relationships between tables and can help ensure data integrity in large, complex databases. In this article, we’ll explore what composite keys are, how they work, and why they’re important.

What is a Composite Key?

A composite key is a combination of two or more columns in a table that uniquely identifies each record. Unlike a primary key, which uses a single column to identify each record, a composite key uses multiple columns. This allows for more complex relationships between tables, as well as more specific searches and queries.

For example, imagine a database that stores information about employees in a company. The database may have a table named “employees” with columns such as “employee ID,” “first name,” “last name,” and “email.” In this case, the employee ID column alone may not be enough to uniquely identify each employee. However, combining the employee ID and email columns could create a composite key that uniquely identifies each employee in the table.

Composite Key - SQL

How Do Composite Keys Work?

When a composite key is created, the database combines the values of the specified columns to create a unique identifier for each record. For example, if a table has columns for “first name” and “last name”, a composite key might be created using both of those columns. This would allow the database to identify each record based on both the first and last names of the person.

Importance of Composite Keys

Composite keys are important because they provide a unique identifier for each record in a table, which ensures data integrity and accuracy. By using a combination of columns as a composite key, database designers can prevent duplicate entries from being created in the table. This is particularly useful in scenarios where a single column alone may not be enough to identify a record uniquely.

In addition to ensuring data integrity, composite keys also improve the performance of queries and indexing in a database. Since composite keys are made up of multiple columns, they can be used in complex queries to search for specific records quickly. Additionally, indexes can be created on composite keys to speed up search times.

Examples of Composite Keys

Here are some examples of tables in a database that use composite keys following below –

Orders Table


In this example, the combination of the OrderID and CustomerID columns creates a composite key that uniquely identifies each order in the table.

Students Table


In this example, the combination of the StudentID and CourseID columns creates a composite key that identifies each student’s enrollment in a specific course.

How to Create a Composite Key?

Creating a composite key involves selecting the appropriate columns in a table and defining them as a unique identifier for each record. The database will combine its values to create a unique identifier for each record. This can be done during the database design process or by altering an existing table.

A. To create a composite key in a new table, the following steps can be taken –

  1. Identify the columns that will make up the composite key.
  2. Define the columns as unique identifiers in the table schema.
  3. Add a constraint to the table to ensure that the combination of columns is unique.

B. To create a composite key in an existing table, the ALTER TABLE statement can be used to add the unique identifier constraint to the table

For example, to add a composite key to the “employees” table we mentioned earlier, we can use the following SQL statement:


ALTER TABLE employees ADD CONSTRAINT emp_key PRIMARY KEY (employee_id, email);

This statement adds a composite key to the “employees” table using the “employee_id” and “email” columns.

When Should You Use a Composite Key?

There are several situations where a composite key might be the best option. For example, if you have a table that tracks sales data, you might use a composite key to identify each record based on the date and time of the sale, as well as the customer who made the purchase. This would allow you to easily retrieve data about all sales made by a specific customer during a specific time period.

Another situation where a composite key might be useful is in a table that tracks employee data. By using a composite key that includes both the employee’s first and last name, you can more easily identify each record and prevent duplicate entries.

Limitations of Composite Keys

While composite keys are useful in many situations, they do have some limitations. For example, using too many columns in a composite key can make it difficult to manage and query the data in the table. Additionally, composite keys can be more complex to implement and maintain than primary keys.

Pros and Cons of Using Composite Keys

Like any database design technique, there are pros and cons to using composite keys. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using composite keys in a database following below –


  1. Composite keys provide a unique identifier for each record in a table, ensuring data integrity and accuracy.
  2. They can improve the performance of queries and indexing in a database.
  3. They allow for more complex relationships between tables in a database.


  1. Composite keys can be more challenging to manage and maintain than single-column keys.
  2. They can make it more challenging to insert and update records in a table.
  3. They may not be necessary for every scenario, as some tables may not require a composite key to ensure data integrity.

Difference between Composite Key and Primary Key

While primary keys and composite keys both serve to uniquely identify records in a table, there are some key differences between the two. First, a primary key uses a single column, while a composite key uses multiple columns. Additionally, a primary key is typically used as the main way to identify records in a table, while a composite key is used to create more specific relationships between tables.


How do I know when to use a composite keys in my database?

Composite keys should be used when a single column cannot uniquely identify each record in a table.

Is it possible to have more than one composite keys in a table?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple composite keys in a table, although it is not recommended as it can make the table more challenging to manage and maintain.

Is it possible to use composite keys as a primary key?

Yes, it is possible to use a composite key as a primary key in a table. This can be useful in situations where a single column is not sufficient to uniquely identify each record.

Can composite keys be changed once it has been created?

Yes, it is possible to change composite keys once it has been created. However, this should be done with caution to avoid causing data errors or inconsistencies.

Are composite keys supported by all database management systems?

Yes, composite keys are a common feature in most database management systems and are supported by many popular database platforms including MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.


Composite keys in SQL are an important concept to understand for anyone working with databases. They allow for more complex relationships between tables and can help ensure data integrity in large, complex databases. By using a combination of two or more columns to create a unique identifier for each record, composite keys provide a more specific and targeted way to retrieve and manage data. We hope you would have liked this very well.

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